The Gardeners Almanac

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Black Spot






Planting Out

Powdery Mildew

Root rot

Tip cuttings


This is a tender evergreen / deciduous flowering shrub that depending upon variety, originates from the Far East and Mexico.

In the UK it is generally more suited to the south and west counties of England.

grandiflora type

A x prostrate

prostrate type

Abelia schummanii

** Be advised that in more northern regions, plants will require protection during the winter months.

A x grandiflora

Is a glossy leafed hybrid, that can be kept to around 900-1800mm (3ft - 6ft) high, with a spread of around1.5 metres (5ft) under controlled conditions

If left uncontrolled, it can grow up to 4m (13ft) high with a similar spread.

A x prostrate

Is a low spreading shrub often used for ground cover, growing to a height of around 600-900 mm (2ft-3ft) high.

The lightly scented clusters of up to four tubular-shaped white / pink flowers are borne in profusion from late spring to mid-autumn.


Week 14-16:

Cut out dead branches and weak twigs from deciduous varieties, and trim back old shoots or branches that flowered the previous year.

Now is an ideal time to propagate new stock by layering some of the lower branches.

Plant out cuttings taken last year if this was not done the previous autumn.

Week 27:

Take 75-100mm (3”-4”) long tip cuttings of the current season's wood, and Insert them in a 70mm (3”) pot containing equal parts (by volume) of peat and sand, then place them on a hot bed set to give a temperature of 16°-18°C (60°-65°F).

Alternatively; the pots can be placed in a cold frame to root over the summer month.

Place the rooted plants in a frost free location throughout the following winter, then plant out in Spring, when conditions allow.

Week 35:

Plant out any time from now until the end of October, in a sunny position.

They will tolerate moist types of soil providing it remains moist and is well drained.

If possible protect them from cold winds, e.g. against a south facing wall.

If unable to plant out now, then do it circa (Week 14) providing ground and weather conditions allow.

Week 40:

Generally no regular pruning is required, however cutting out wayward shoots out after flowering will encourage new growth.

If plants have been allowed to get out of hand, cut out dead branches and weak twigs and trim back old shoots or branches that flowered the previous year.