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Pruning Hybrid Roses

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As with all roses, regular routine pruning will help to keep them healthy and floriferous.

Failure to prune can result in untidy unhealthy poor flowering plants.

Hybrid roses fit into two categories namely Tea or Floribunda.

If you have a bush rose, and you are unsure of what type it is, then noting its flowering habit can often clarify the situation.

For example ;


Pruning should be done in spring after the plant shows the first signs of new growth.

In mild winters buds can sometimes break early, if this occurs, prune as soon as possible, leave some dormant buds in reserve for any that might get damaged by frost.


With both types cut out dead, diseased, rubbing and crossing stems.

Aim for a goblet shaped plant by cutting out the central stems.

This shape allows maximum air circulation within the shrub thus reducing the possiblity of mildew forming.

View of stem to be pruned
Stem to be Pruned
View of sloping cut
Stem after Pruning
Sketch of cutting points on Hybrid Tea
Hybrid Tea
Sketch of cutting points on Floribunda
Hybrid tea:


* In both cases ensure that you do not prune below the graft union.